Total Education Program Testimonial

425 East 29th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. VSV 2R8

Hello Jamie,

The Total Education school community really appreciates the support provided by Canadian Barista Institute for the Level One Barista Course. It was held on June 18, 2019, and we had a full class of eight students participate and successfully complete the course. We are pleased to say, out of the eight students, four have already completed their resumes and are working with staff to gain employment in various neighboring coffee shops.

The idea behind the inception of the Barista program, and other programs, is to help and assist students identify and link their skills towards gaining employment. This is valuable as some of our students are independently supporting themselves throughout their Educational Career, balancing part-time work with full-time school, as well as managing life circumstances, often with limited to no support.

The feedback from the students has been overwhelmingly positive. Collectively, the students stated that they loved learning, appreciated the hands-on training, and enjoyed using the specialised coffee machines. Subsequently, students commented that they were looking forward to applying their newly developed knowledge to local employment opportunities.

Thank you to all your team members for their support in making the Barista program for our students such a welcoming and positive experience. By partnering with local business, and offering these opportunities to our students, the benefit has been increased student’s self confidence and enthusiasm in their pursuit of finding life-changing pathways to sustainable independence. We at the Total Education community look. forward to continuing this partnership for our incredible students in the future.

Nathan Hambly

Youth & Family Worker

Vancouver School Board

Bryce Recsky

District Vice-Principal Alternative Program

Vancouver School Board

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Total Education School Program barista course review
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