Aeropress Recipes
Is Aeropress an Alternative for Espresso?
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3 time British Columbia Aeropress Champion Recipe
Special Thanks to @robertelysian for his sharing of the 3 time British Columbia Aeropress Champion Michael Ratcliffe's Aeropress Recipe "Sometimes genius and madness are nearly indistinguishable - it can depend on whether you’re smiling or frowning when you see it. Here was our dear friend Michael Ratcliffe’s competition plan for the World Aeropress Championship in Seattle April 2015 - I chose to smile when I saw it. Sadly we lost Michael in the early days of May 2019 and I know many are struggling to conceive of a world without him. There will be a memorial/remembrance and gathering at the Rocanini Coffee Roastery Sunday June 9th, 2019 from noon to 2:00pm. (127 West 5th Ave Vancouver).
Come by and share your memories, and your collective love for Michael & each other, and hopefully share the burden of moving forward knowing others are there to help share in your grief. More information can be found at @meemo_the_cat and @cadbaristainst Michael touched many lives and I’ll never forget him. "
Here is the recipe in text format:
- Get Sauced
- 16g coffee ground like I don't know, medium
- 40 g prewet , wait like 30 seconds? Stir gently
- Add remaining 240 g water
- Press until 2:00
- Serve
- Drink more Cognac