
The biggest question we get from new and old cafes owners is what coffee roaster should they carry in their shop for both on the shelf retail (whole bean) as well as for serving their customers batch brewed drip coffee and espresso-based beverages?

We have never played favourites, but, obviously we have a list of roasters that fulfill our internal criteria for an artisan 3rd wave standard. In doing so, we want to publicize and reward those coffee roaster businesses for upholding the banner of 3rd wave.

This is a tough list to get onto and roasters can easily be removed when found not to be following the criteria. If you believe that some on this list may be in question to whether or not they are upholding the standard, then please feel free to contact us directly. It is not our intention to give bad reviews. If your business is rejected, we promise to never publicize it. The results will always be held in full confidence.

For a coffee roaster to be voted off the list the Approved Business Committee, which is made up of coffee professional peers will conduct a meeting and proceed to a vote with all existing roasters on the list.

Just to be clear, we don’t sell coffee and don’t get anything in the form of kickbacks, commissions or play politics from making this list. We simply want people to spend their money and daily caffeine quota on good coffee, and this list is good coffee.

Contact us to learn more about being approved by the Canadian Barista Institute

Approved Coffee Roaster  

Kittel Coffee Roaster Montreal Quebec
Social Coffee Roasters

Bean North Coffee Roasting
Anecdote Coffee Roasters
Mood Artisan Coffee
Kingha Coffee Estate
Swan Valley Manitoba Coffee Roaster

Specialty Coffee Beans El Salvadore

Barren Ground Coffee Roasters
Moonshine Coffee Roaster
Ex-Animo Coffee


Loft Coffee Roaster Alberta

French Press Coffee Roasters Vancouver Island
Congress Coffee Calgary

Tostana Cafe Roastery
Stone City Coffee Roaster Manitoba
Shipwreck Coffee Roasters

Rosso Coffee Roaster
Hammer And Chip Coffee Roaster Calgary
Transformed Coffee Alberta
Sam James Coffee Roaster
Ro Neighbourhood Coffee, Riondel British Columbia The Journey Coffee Roasters - Darren & Kim Dockside Coffee Roasters

Alternative Schools, Immigration Services & International Student Agencies

Tupper Nova


Vancouver School Board


Kahnawà:ke’s Economic Development Commission
ADSUP Canada
Directions Youth Services

Approved Competition

Starbeat Top Latte Artist

Approved Coffee Show

Ottawa Coffee Fest
Beanstock Coffee Fetival