About us
Coffee is a trillion dollar industry with a concentration of this wealth in large corporations. The quality of that coffee is most times poor. Coffee's for every person and an every day beverage. Quality does not need to be sacrificed.
We want to redistribute this wealth to the grassroots and teach quality to both the consumer and all points of the supply chain.
We started as business consultants in the late 1980s and soon became the sanctioned organizers of all Canadian Specialty Coffee competitions from 2003 to 2015. By the early 2000s, we expanded our reach as coffee educators, establishing Labs (currently 5) across Canada.
Today we host hands-on barista training, business as a science seminars, gelato and ice cream classes and coffee roasting classes integrating global issues into all of our content. We are devoted to demystifying coffee and to provide training in communities of all sizes to ensure all people have equal access to education. Our trainers maintain an unbiased authentic approach and possess both the knowledge and passion to work with any brand or equipment.
The founder of the Institute started as an early coffee fanatic in the early 1990s. Along with other coffee explorers he found an outlet in a text based news group called Alt.coffee. This newsgroup was the genesis of problem solving, sharing data and insights into solving the mysteries of coffee. A great deal of what is common knowledge today was developed in those early days in alt.coffee. Some of those early explorers moved onto Coffeed.com, HomeBarista and some went offline as they matured and put coffee on the back burner.
The revival of artisan 3rd wave coffee in the early 2000’s brought many people back to the industry. The formation of the Institute's core philosophy and mission statement has its roots there. This quest to share and motivate people to do greater things in coffee. We also aim to inspire people to have success in career, business, wellness, to contribute positively to their family and society all the while serving a great cup of coffee and giving back to the community.
We are tired of seeing people invest in franchises, buying dying cafes at a discounted deal and taking classes from unqualified schools. We strive to properly prepare our students for when they make their investment in the coffee industry as a barista, roaster, baker or as a business owner. We don't short change anyone as we prepare them to succeed in whatever part of the industry they intend to join. We don't want to hold this as a dark mystery, or keep it secret. We want to share with you, one cup at a time.
Vision Statement
We envision in every village, town and city, unique, sustainable, independently owned and locally operated coffee businesses, providing top rated customer service, fresh coffee and fresh foods to their local community.
Mission Statement
The Canadian Barista Institute is a social enterprise that universally empowers people economically and socially through coffee education. We strive to change the public conversation through research and discussion about coffee and to challenge conventional beliefs and practices for the betterment of the industry. Uncovering and sharing the real truth of coffee. We aim to convert and inspire people from all walks of life into freshness
Our Teachers
Our Teachers come from all walks of life and from all corners of this planet, yet they all have one thing in common – they are custodians of coffee culture who want nothing more than for Canadian coffee culture to prosper. These men and women help develop a comprehensive plan to grow our collective principles on a local and national level. Maintaining impartiality, they possess the expertise and enthusiasm to work with any equipment or brand without bias.
We Believe…
- In opportunities for all people regardless of age, gender, colour, race, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status.
- In the promotion of teamwork, and the belief that what groups and society can achieve as a whole is greater than that which can be achieved by individuals.
- In the country of Canada, its tradition for entrepreneurs, and the proud and successful representation of this tradition around the world.
- In the value of hard work, determination, the pursuit of excellence and success in all activities.
- In the development of life skills which will benefit students throughout their lives.
- In coffee as a state of mind and way of being that doesn’t conform to rigid rules, rather teaching you why you perform the action versus memorization