Truffle Pigs

Truffle Pigs Resort Coffee Academy TrainingIn this midsummer dream, situated between Lake Louise and Golden we find ourselves at the Truffle Pigs Bistro & Lodge, which is perfectly tucked away in the beautiful rocky mountain community of Field, British Columbia.

We are here to deliver a rocky mountain resort coffee training session. Our intention is to debunk coffee myths, share coffee truths and hands on training to help them establish and to deliver a world-class coffee experience that matches their fine dining restaurant and resort experience already established long ago.

It was straightforward for us to deliver the barista course as the wonderful staff were enthusiastic and eager to learn. They took it to heart to learn the new material and coffee techniques presented and accepted our critique of their technique. More importantly they were able to learn how to taste beyond dark and bold coffee terms and diagnose the correct espresso shot based on 3rd wave specialty coffee standards.Espresso training course

For those of you that are travelling the Rockies in the gap between Merritt and Calgary there’s a coffee house that we can now wholeheartedly recommend called Truffle Pigs Bistro & Lodge for a genuine third wave coffee experience. Its time for a latte , a flat white or cappuccino... Enjoy!

Truffle Pigs Resort Cafe Field British Columbia
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