Chapter 8 of the COVID-19 Coffee Survival Guide
Safe Cold Brew Coffee
Now that you know how I feel about cold brew, I want to provide you with some alternatives.
Prior to the cold brew fad, the go-to method of making a cold coffee was to utilize the alien👽technology known as ice.
Apparently, when you add ice to things, they get colder.
We can use this great knowledge to our advantage by following the Japanese method.
Japanese Method for Making Cold Coffee:
Tools Required:
- Kettle
- Pour-over device (your choice)
- 1 coffee filter (slightly damp)
- 17-18 grams of coffee, ground to a fine-drip setting
- 225 ml cup (or slightly larger)
- 100 ml hot water
- 100 grams ice
Whatever size of drink you are trying to make, use HALF of the volume in water and HALF of the equivalent weight in ice. For example, to make a 200 ml drink, use 100 ml of cold water and 100 grams of ice with a 225 ml sized cup.
Japanese Method Recipe
- Boil the 100 ml of water in the kettle.
- Put the ice in your cup. Make sure your cup is big enough to hold the ice AND the water (that is, the cup should be approximately 225 to 250 ml).
- Set up your pour over device. Put the slightly damp coffee filter on top of your cup. Put the 17 to 18 grams of ground coffee into the slightly damp filter. When the water boils, wet the coffee grinds with a little hot water, and wait for the coffee to bloom (blooming is the process that occurs as the CO2 gas is released from the grinds. It causes the coffee to foam a bit. Stale coffee doesn't do this as vigorously, if at all). After about 30 seconds of blooming, slowly add the rest of the hot water to the cup, pouring directly in the center of the filter. You don't have enough water to do any gooseneck pitcher water tricks, so keep this in mind.
At this point you could click your heels and wait for everything to drip through or, if you want, you can stir it with a spoon. It's up to you. Just be consistent each time you make the drink.
If all goes well, after about four to five minutes, you will have a freshly brewed cup of cold coffee, which you are welcome to call "cold brew" as far as I am concerned. Plus, you have the bonus that you aren't serving something that took all night to make under less than hygienic conditions.
In other words, the Japanese method is fast, fresh, and SAFE.
If this seems like too much work, do something drastic like brew a pot of coffee in your drip brewer and then PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE.
If it tastes fine to you, just do it. Just don't let any bearded young people see you do it.
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Chapter 2: Now that you understand freshness as it pertains to coffee beans (3-14 days from its BIRTH DATE or Roast date, and only buy enough to last a week) . This will give us a good starting point because we finally have some quality ingredients...Learn More >
Chapter 3: Ok.. you managed to escape the matrix and now that you have acquired the supplies needed to take on the coffee universe on your own, we are here to offer you some help!
4 Tools Needed to Brew Coffee At Home... Read More >
Chapter 4: If you have Italian friends, and they offer you a "caffe" , chances are they pull out a stove top device that unscrews in four parts, (base, top pouring chamber or pitcher, basket and basket cover) called a Moka Pot...Learn More >
Chapter 5: I have a personal problem with pour over people because they tend to hold the opinion that pour overs like Hario v60, Chemex, Kalita, are great, but that batch brew Drip Coffee Makers suck. The reality is...Read More >
Chapter 6: Let's explore further why the proponents of Cold Brew coffee are so maniacal in their support of this process. 4 reasons: ... Learn More >
Chapter 7: Frankly this viral hype surprises most of us in the industry but, in my opinion, it is a good thing that people are seeking innovation when it comes to coffee beverages. I just wish it didn’t involve instant coffee! ... Learn More >
Chapter 8: Prior to the cold brew fad, the go-to method of making a cold coffee was to utilize the alien👽 technology known as ice.
Apparently, when you add ice to things, they get colder...Learn More >
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Chapter 10:We are revisiting a brewing device that was long ago dismissed as an alternative for espresso. Of course I'm talking about the Aeropress. Full admission. I was an anti Aeropress-er (not anymore). For those of you not familiar with the Aeropress way of making coffee it's a strange looking plastic device that looks like a giant syringe...Learn More >
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